Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Alcove Beds......Make Room For One In Your Home

If you like a place to nap or read that has a wonderful cozy-cave feeling, the alcove bed is for you.These beds are natural space saving solutions because they usually occupy corners or other "not the most practical" parts of rooms. Alcove beds are a very beautiful and also quite popular type of bed. This is surprising especially since alcove beds can't be bought. They have to be built and custom-made.

The thing that separates these beds from your average curtained bed is the fact that they're more fully enclosed, as opposed to standing in the middle of a room. Typically, they have three sides closed in by a wall, with the open side covered with a curtain. I have an alcove bed in my old home and love it....except for the fact that it is hard to make the bed when you are surrounded by three walls. That is the only drawback and I feel obligated to  give you all the facts so you can make a good decision. Just make sure that your bed looks great even if it is unmade.You can do this by using beautiful sheets and voluminous layers of beautiful bed dressings. 

Some are classic, others modern, but they're all great and cozy beds. If you are looking for some inspiration on designing your own alcove bed, take a look at the creative and beautiful ideas in the images below and start creating.

In France it became fashionable to place beds in alcoves, The alcoves were usually decorated with lambrequins and side curtains held back with rope cord or rosettes.

Alcove beds provide an elegant yet cozy appeal.


They can be as elaborate as your style dictates.


The placement of curtains can give an area an alcove appearance.

This looks like a place I would like to curl up in with a good book.

Alcove beds are sometimes called cupboard beds.

Thomas Jefferson's bedroom featured an alcove bed which he adopted from France after a visit. He could access his study from one side and his chambers on the other.

This is a different but none the less lovely alcove style.


Not exactly an alcove but this was so pretty I included it anyway.

Your built in alcove can be customized to your interior.

This one has great storage underneath the bed.

Alcove beds are a fabulous concept for saving space in your home design. They are inviting and fun and create a very intimate space to curl up and enjoy! 

Bed nook in home of Reese Witherspoon, by Kathryn Ireland

This is a fabulous space saving idea.

A wonderful multi-patterned space to relax in.

An alcove bed can create an unusual bedroom design because it maximizes a narrow space and makes them into cozy beds.

Another example of how curtains can create an alcove.  This can be done to give the effect without have to build an alcove.

This one can be closed in with doors.


Use you imagination with this kind of bed. This style bed can range from elegant to fun and funky!

Click here to see the previous post!

This blog post was published by
Lisa Farmer