Monday, April 1, 2013

Decorating With Robin's Egg Blue .......A Fabulous Interior Color!

Whether you call it Robin's Egg or Duck Egg.....this blue is luscious when used in  interiors. It's a tricky color,  and when using it you have to be careful and make sure your eye is seeing it correctly or you will end up with a room that is slightly off because it can't decide if it is blue or aqua.  Don't be afraid of it. If you take the plunge and decide this is the color for you, use as much or as little as you like because you won't be sorry. Just take a look at the following images and I know you will's a LOVELY color.

Enjoy the music!

A beautiful cupboard bed.

The bedroom of Madame de Pompadour, the chief mistress of Louis XV from 1745 to her death in 1764

This color is also beautiful choice for you exteriors as well.

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This blog post was published by
Lisa Farmer