Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bring Drama To Your Interiors With Statement Pieces.

I believe all rooms should be entertaining. It should be a visual treat to come for a visit with interesting and unique objets d' art to mesmerize and stimulate conversation. If you want visitors to your home to leave amazed and envious, make a statement with a larger-scale element of surprise

Bigger and bolder IS better when you want an easy way to add tons of excitement and drama. Incorporating statement pieces into your decor not only helps you add interest, but also that wow factor you’re are looking for. Try an oversized object, an unconventional piece of art, bold colors and textures, or a whimsical piece of furniture. Besides offering an element of surprise, incorporating unexpected statement accents into an interior can put your personal stamp on a room. 

The following rooms are examples of homeowners that have broken a few decorating rules and how that break with convention has given their rooms breathtaking appeal.

Big impact statement pieces create focal points and add interest to your home. There is a reason they are called "conversation pieces".

Statement’s a unique visual hit that enlivens the space. MAKE SURE IT IS FAUX IF USING ANIMAL HIDES, FURS OR TAXIDERMY. I DO NOT ADVOCATE USING REAL ANIMALS IN ANY WAY. There is no reason to since today there are so many great fakes available. 

via facebook

If you truly want to make a statement, invest in a big impact piece and make it count!

It is a good idea to opt for a versatile neutral base and use statement pieces to easily change your decor.

Have you ever gone into someone’s home and admired a piece of furniture or an accessory that seems to be bold and daring?  Make your own interior fun and surprising at the same time and don’t be intimated by size.

via pinterest

Consider making a big design statement with an unexpected element in your living room.

via pinterest

Dennis & Lean

The trick is balance. For every bold statement piece of decor, balance it with neutrals in your furnishings and room finishes, and the look will be perfect.

Beverly Field

Use large scale items like a piece of art or anything that creates a statement and a moment of wow.  Oversized mirrors are a great way to add drama and make your room look even larger.

source unknown

Now this is a mirror that makes a statement!

You can have more than one statement piece in a room but make sure they complement each other and don’t compete.

Statement pieces can be furniture, artwork, fabrics and even colors. This purple chest is a perfect example of a wow factor piece.

A large unique chandelier can be a statement piece that steals the show.

These large painted panels are lovely statement pieces that help to make the whole window a focal point.

source unknown

Big impact pieces are usually oversized so don’t be afraid to play with scale. Adding a piece with an unusual scale instantly makes it a statement or creates drama

Statement pieces should be meaningful, beautiful, collected pieces, or heirlooms. Or they can just be something that makes you smile.

The unexpected big statement accent always makes a space seem more individual - especially if it is an item which has a connection with the owner.

Lars Bolander

Large art always makes a dramatic statement. Don't be afraid to use larger than life pictures. Break a few rules and go against scale!!

Extra large chandeliers give a small space a grander look. Imagine this space with a chandelier only the sizeof the top of this will see what I mean

These large urns and pedestals are statement pieces Donatella Versace has added to her living room for extra drama.

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This blog post was published by Lisa Farmer