Monday, October 20, 2014

Decorating With Divans

I remember hearing about divans when I was young as they were in demand in the 50' and 60's and it was "cool" to have one. Divan lounging sofas have again become very popular. Divan is from the Persian word for “council of rulers” and was given as a name to an long, comfortable seat for more than one person that has no back or arms. They were found along the walls in Middle Eastern chambers of bureau’s called diwans.

 A divan has a tufted mattress-like seat, either directly on the ground or on a low wooden frame. Since they are backless they are usually pushed against a wall. A plethora of cushions to lean against are then piled up to create a daytime seat. The divan can be cleared off at night to become a bed if one chooses.

Even though this isn't 100% divan because it has some back support, it will still give you the look because of it height amd simple lines.

You can create the look of a divan with an armless sofa placed against the wall. Add several luxurious pillows for lounging against. The more luxe the pillows the better. Also other beautiful textiles draped across the seating adds to the authentic flavor or the Moorish divan.

Because of its exotic appearance, the divan is perfect for an eclectic, collected interior.

source unknown

This is a tufted daybed that I would love to use in the style of a divan. I like the fringe and the rolled arms which give it more of a sensual look. I can see lots of wonderful cushions to lean on against a wall covered in a wonderful tapestry or other sumptuous textile.

You can create the look of a divan with the right daybed . Make sure your choice in accessorizing is more on the colorful, eclectic side.

Here a  four postered twin bed has a divan like appearence. For best results use a bed that is low and closer to the floor. Plus the look will depend on the bed style and fabrics you choose.

Rich fabrics are a must if you are turning a daybed into a divan.

Loulou de la Falaise Paris' Montparnasse district, flat.

I adore this French daybed turned divan. Daybeds look beautiful when pulled out into the room. But if you want more of divan look, place it against the wall with something extraordinary as a this fabulous mirror.

Give your guests royal therapy with divan seating and be the envy of all your friends.

A neutral divan is another lovely option. Just remember neutral rooms must have texture and variation in your color.

via pinterest

Colorful divan seating.

via pinterest

When you have limited space, you have to be on the lookout for fashionable double-duty pieces. A divan can be your solution.

Also the divan that can double for a bed is great for small decorating budgets. You can create a lovey area with colorful pillows, throws, and small accessories.

source unknown....if you know who to credit for this lovely space please comment.

A divan easily fits in tight spaces making it best for tiny properties.

To have a custom divan of your own, build a frame, cover and embellish, add fabulous tufted cushions to sit on and pillows galore!!!

Divans sit on wooden frames that can be covered or left natural. This one doesn't sport the multi- pillow look but is still comfortable and lounge worthy.

via pinterest

Traditionally backless, this DIY divan can be constructed from recycled lumber.Then add colorful fabric,seating, and exuberant use of cushions.


Many homeowners are using wooden pallets as the base of their divan sofas. You get added storage underneath!!

via pinterest

Because of their simple lines and casual elegance divans look wonderful in more contemporary settings as well. 

Relaxing on the porch can be comfortable and stylish with he addition of a divan.

Click here to see the previous post

This blog post was published by Lisa Farmer