Friday, January 11, 2019

Decorating With Deer Mounted Crystal Chandeliers And Sconces

While I get high on the sparkle of most crystal chandeliers, no style takes my breath away quite like a deer, or I prefer stag, mounted crystal French empire chandelier or sconce. I don't have one yet, but it's coming in the near future. They are such distinctive and elegant pieces that instantly give your interior a sense of history. The impressive deer mounted crystal chandelier evokes the grandeur that is characteristic of the French hunting lodge chateau.

I simply adore the French Hunting lodge/country chateau style. 

And yes I have deer mounts and roebuck horns on the walls of my entrance hall and dining room. All picked up at estate auctions and antique stores of course. No animals were sacrificed in the decorating of my home.

I always get flack when I create a post about taxidermy and have stated my feeling soooo many times. Please keep in mind that in centuries long, long ago these French and English estates were much like game reserves with great herds of deer. They were hunted for food by people that couldn't run out to the supermarket for food when people came to visit. The men would go on hunts to bring back venison for the dinners to feed their guests. That doesn't bother me. Hunting for fun and sport....well that is a whole other matter that I don't agree with. 

Now getting back to the subject at hand. From it's grid of chain wrapped rope to its plethora of beaded crystals and then onto the bronze deer mounts, these stunning crystal chandeliers are truly works of art and their elegance will provide a stunning focal point in whatever room you choose to hang them.They are equally at home in a grand salon or in a rustic French country or Gustavian setting and are simply beautiful in both. Here's hoping you enjoy the blog post!!

via Pinterest

A deer mounted crystal chandelier has such a light and airy, yet grand style they can't help but make an impressive statement in a room.

If you too love the look of the French hunting chateau or English manor but are opposed to real mounts and antlers this is an option for you to try.

My friend Andie Pauly's wonderful French style library is the perfect place for a deer mounted crystal chandelier....AND it looks perfect in there. She has taken the top round piece off. And while they are lovely both ways, I like the top off as well. That is the beauty of options, you can do what suits your taste.

Another topless deer mounted crystal chandelier.

Here is a rustic old world setting and look at what extraordinary style this deer mounted crystal chandelier adds to the whole look.

These crystal chandeliers with deer mounts seem to work in any style interior be it gypsy/boho eclectic.............

or the casual elegance of French style. This deer mounted crystal chandelier features pendants being held by each deer. Some people prefer to take them off. Again it is up to you.

You can also use a deer mounted crystal chandelier to enhance the charm of your vintage Euro interior.

Here is a good image of the intricate wire covered rope structure that helps to make them so magical.

via Pinterest

The beauty of realistically rendered brass deer mounts, wreaths, and swags provide so much visual interest to these crystal chandeliers.

Some people like to leave them with their age and patina intact..........

while others like the brass embellishments and deer mounts to be gilded and their crystals to be clear and super sparkly.

This fabulous deer mounted crystal chandelier falls somewhere in the middle and brings an unusual and elegant approach to the traditional crystal chandelier.

Just sharing the image of another style of deer mounted crystal chandelier. This one is more English in design and is also gorgeous.

As is this smaller deer mounted beauty.

Now let's talk about deer mounted crystal sconces. Heart be still, aren't they beautiful?

via Pinterest

And here are a couple of deer mounted sconces, each one with a mirror to help enhance the crystal sparkle even more.

I know that deer antlers and deer inspired decor is trendy right now. But that look is not the classical look that will always be in style. You can be part of the current trend but keep it sophisticated and elegant. Try and buy good antiques or vintage instead of resin reproductions, and you will never be dated. That is why I prefer style over trend. If they happen to coincide for a season enjoy riding the wave of popularity.

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This blog post was published by Lisa Farmer