Thursday, March 3, 2016

Decorating With Vintage Trophy Cups

I like interesting interiors so a collected and curated home is my favorite style. That is as long as your interiors look like the stylish home of a passionate collector and not an outright hoarder. I always tell people to collect something that gives them joy and it is always fun to see what other people like to collect and how creative they can be at display.

 This blog post spotlights vintage trophy cups and how so many today are drawn to their charming appeal, making them a popular collectible.

If you are looking for something vintage to collect that really can make an impact on a tabletop vignette, maybe consider treasure hunting for some wonderful old trophy cups. I hope these images inspire you!!

No matter what your passion is, there is an art to displaying, organizing, and storing your favorite collections. Grouping together is a wonderful way to spotlight the collection.

Any collection makes a powerful statement en masse.

Or put the focus on one trophy cup that you find especially desirable.

Using a vintage trophy cup as a vase brings it new life and makes it unique.

These charming vintage silver trophy cups can make an artful statement in your home. It is fun to read the engravings to see what the award was for and even who won them.

Trophy cups are great additions to a vignette.......and with flowers they are extra lovely.

People tend to forget that julep cups are many times trophies and can be an asset to a collection.

You can also think of creative ways to repurpose that vintage trophy cup into a functional piece of home decor.

You can have a simple, uncluttered looking home and still enjoy your vintage trophy cups (or anything else you collect). It's all in the way that you display them. This image demonstrates how pretty a tabletop display featuring small trophies can be.

For the most impact if you are showing a collection, display at least three trophy cups of varied sizes. The vignette will look better if you add in other vintage items.

Make an antique trophy cup a valuable asset for your vanity table.

Make them useful so they appear like more than just a group of dust-collectors.

Just a few ideas of what can be stored in a vintage trophy cup.

Trophy cups can be lined up like soldiers on a shelf if you like, but when displayed in a small group like this, all of a sudden they become eye-catching treasures.

Vintage trophy cups look wonderful in equestrian style interiors.

Trophies and the equestrian life seem to go hand in hand, I love this cup full of riding helmets.

The engravings on trophy cups can be entertaining conversation starters when guests stop by.

And there are so many interesting sizes and shapes. They are really quite lovely.

If you like a vintage sports room theme, old silver trophy cups are the perfect compliment. That Ralph Lauren look!!

Trophy cups are collectibles that you can work into any seasonal display.

I think they are especially pretty to decorate with at Christmas. 

All this lovely Christmas display of trophy cups needs is a splash of Tartan.

The perfect centerpiece for a vintage table. Or why not treat your guests to their own small flower filled trophy cup at each place setting.

Jean Laurent Gaudy, photographer

Trophies make a great decorative focal point in a room. When displayed the right way they gather compliments instead of dust.

So where do you find vintage trophy cups? Treasure hunt at flea markets, antique and collectible malls, and even yard sales. You know, another man's trash...........

Collections are what makes your home so unique to you whether it's trophies or a gazillion other collectibles.

source unknown

There are reproductions out there too like these great Ballard Designs trophy cups for those of you short on treasure hunting time.

Click here to see the previous post

This blog post was published by Lisa Farmer