While researching for this blog post I discovered that what most people refer to as farmhouse mudrooms are actually not "farmhouse" at all but are more like what I remember as my son's kindergarten foyer......... full of built in cubby holes and coat racks. Nothing at all wrong with this style mudroom, however, let's not call them farmhouse style spaces. While they are cute and practical they don't exude the warmth and quaintness that defines the farmhouse entrance. If you play your cards right, you can have it all........charm, warmth, AND practicality.
This blog post is dedicated to the more authentic country mudroom entrance.
I hope these images will help you bring the charm of the farm to your home whether you're a true country dweller or simply love the feeling that is evoked by this warm and inviting style.
via Pinterest
A good farmhouse style mudroom begins at the back door.
Decorate that area with vintage farmhouse items and lots of flowers or in this case topiaries in country blue containers.
Decorate that area with vintage farmhouse items and lots of flowers or in this case topiaries in country blue containers.
source unknown
Whether your famhouse style is American, English, French, or any other, set the stage for your mudroom by creating the look before you even enter the house.
Rustic and refined, even the mudroom area should ooze character. You can do that by decorating your space with charming furniture that doubles for storage and some kind of vintage seating or bench for sitting down for such tasks as removing shoes.
Homeowners tend to focus on designing larger rooms, relegating small spaces like mudrooms to the "scorned and rejected" area. However giving these smaller rooms lots of character can make a big difference in the warmth and beauty of your home. In this mudroom the bench seating, wallpaper, exposed shelving and display of old tins help to begin the authentic farmhouse theme at the backdoor.
I love the feel of this mudroom. It is so quaint and elegant all at the same time. You have the practicality of a peg board wall for hats, scarves, and even garden tools, yet the seating provided is casually elegant. The old green table could double as a potting station if you are a gardener, and there is even a pretty antique mirror for stealing a glimpse of yourself as you come in.
Suzanne Kasler Interiors
Instead of built ins, create warm and interesting storage areas for your mudroom. Add weathered hutches, cupboards, lockers, the sky is the limit on ideas to make your farmhouse mudroom seem more authentic. Consider antique pitchers, crocks, or old jars in lieu of a modern vase for your farmhouse garden cut flower bouquets.
This mudroom provides a great bench for seating or maybe tossing down some pool gear before going out for a swim. Of course there are some baskets for storage. The beadboard on the walls really gives this space an authentic farmhouse feel.
A lovely mudroom complete with sink. Would like to have seen a vintage chest or bench..... but still a great space.
New York farmhouse of David and Lori Brown
Consider browsing antique shops or flea markets for special pieces, like this old painted farm table easily used as a potting station, that will give your mudroom an authentic vintage farmhouse feel. Rake heads and iron hooks are great for hanging hats and umbrellas. Incorporate vintage pieces that are also utilitarian such as galvanized metal buckets or watering cans.
If you are after the farmhouse look for your mudroom, it should offer a vintage style place to sit down and preferably an antique piece, that works alongside your built in coat closet, for storing shoes and outerwear. Again, adding some beadboard on the walls will definitely give it farmhouse flavor.
via Pinterest
Hardwood is the favored flooring for mudrooms. Leave them plain or consider giving the floors a whitewashed or distressed look. While hardwood is in first place when it comes to flooring for the mud room........
tile and natural stone are at close second. These floors are popular because they can handle any kind of weather that is tracked in. Toss down some vintage hooked rugs for authentic farmhouse flair.
Add a clock to your mud room for checking out the time when you are busy in the garden. A great old table like this is perfect for storing boots and shoes. Simply think of ways to make your farmhouse mudroom more down to earth and inviting.
Metal and wood trays and wooden crates are more good ideas for keeping those wet boot and shoes off the flooring. Storage like this will look more authentic for a farmhouse mudroom.
Shelves like this with hooks for hanging outerwear and hats makes a vintage farmhouse mudroom both useful and appealing. Don't forget to add in those basket and other interesting vintage pieces.
The English are not as uptight about making sure boots and shoes are concealed behind closed doors or in cubbies. I love the antler coat and hat racks.
A sink in the mudroom is perfect and something like this really enhances the authentic farmhouse look.
Bring the farm into your home with some cute little knick knacks that are affordable AND can be found easily online if you are too time constrained to go treasure hunting. I like the galvanized bins and a blackboard is a nice addition. Great for leaving notes as you head out the mudroom door.
Look for interesting and unique seating for your farmhouse style mudroom. This wagon seat adds immediate rustic charm and is the perfect spot to gather your things, tend to your shoes, and take a deep breath before starting or ending your day.
Vintage painted pieces are popular and the mudroom is a great place to add a few. Also you can have some fun with a painted or stenciled floor. A painted floor cloth would be a nice touch for an authentic farmhouse style mudroom.

Vintage painted pieces are popular and the mudroom is a great place to add a few. Also you can have some fun with a painted or stenciled floor. A painted floor cloth would be a nice touch for an authentic farmhouse style mudroom.

Joan Heaton
A Shaker style mudroom, complete with pegs and a pew, also creates a farmhouse feel to your home. Baskets are used for storage and a large crock for umbrellas. Display some farm tools and you are all set.
via Pinterest
Remember that the appearance of your mudroom is as important as your front entrance because they both introduce people to your home. Love the crystal chandelier. They always look great in rustic spaces.
Last, but certainly not least, this space has all the right components that make a fabulous farmhouse style mudroom. And it even serves as a laundry room. What more can you ask for? Just remember to make your space as authentic as possible and those entering will feel like they have stepped back in time.
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This blog post was published by Lisa Farmer