Toys....they have been making children smile for ages. We have all had these playmates that kept us entertained and gave us a sense of security. I can still remember some of the metal,wind up,clockwork toys even though my generation entered the plastic age thus sending this style of toy to "Toy Heaven".
Of course there are always collectors who rescue and give dignity back to these wonderful antique toys. But toys as well as any other collectible need not be confined to a glass case where they end up becoming sterile and losing all of their personality. I am an advocate of bringing collectibles out of their cases and using them to decorate your home.
You don't have to have a big collection lining an entire wall, just some fun pieces scattered about will do. If you are looking for a way to bring warmth and personality to your home, consider accessorizing with an antique toy or two!
I have posted some pictures of antique toys, any of which would look wonderful as part of a tabletop vignette or standing alone by themselves. I hope you enjoy!!
Clockwork toys are especially fun to watch and a great conversation starter. They can bring such warmth to your home because they shout out "look at me, touch me, interact with me!"
Sometimes collections begin because of a special find in a garage sale or flea market, or from rummaging through an attic or basement.
Antique giraffe and doll pull toy
Mason & Taylor circa 1880s clockwork toy of a pressed papier maché shoulder head child doll, with pressed metal jointed legs pushing a child's perambulator
Rare Wonderful Rare French Mechanical Musical Automaton
Children's French Antique wooden toy scooter
Delightful and Rare French Mechanical Pull-Toy "Polichinelle Riding an Ostrich" A bisque-headed Polichinelle doll is seated upon a large paper mache ostrich.
Jack in the Boxes
Old trains can be displayed in a number of ways.
Old circus toys like the ones in these two photos are always fun and make great vignettes.
Clockwork figure, "Le Gai Violiniste", made in France by Fernand Martin about 1900
And don't forget puppets!
Early Prewar Japan 1910 Big 7" (18 cm) Clockwork Tin Toy Bicycle Motorcycle
Collectors with a passion for antique toys often build their collections with toys that bring back fond memories from their past.
An old doll with eight legged walking mechanism.This is definitely an attention getter!
Being some charm to a sunny windowsill.
Christmas is the perfect time of year to decorate with antique or vintage toys.
Sources via Pinterest , Google, and Tumblr
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Lisa Farmer